Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm trying to update this, to no avail!

Hello World!

I can't believe it's already September - August was very memorable for me - visiting family on the East Coast during the week of the earthquake and the hurricane. Glad to be back and it won't be long and it'll be winter here in Northern Minnesota!!
I'm trying to pack everything to do outdoors this week, with boating to my hearts content or until my knee is killing me! It sucks to get old, but I'm dealing with it! Here's a photo I took Saturday, September 3, 2011. I just walked out and there it was. I hurried and grabbed the nearest camera and bam! We were under the jet stream all day that day - beautiful clouds and windy. Hope you get out and enjoy the weather and always let someone know where you are going . . . better safe than sorry! :-)